Article 10(1) of the Act stipulates that the preparation and adoption of territorial plans for municipalities and districts must take into account the guidelines issued by the Central African Republic or the Environment Agency for Watershed Management, which are environmental determinants and represent norms of the higher hierarchy. The regulation of the General Law on Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection in the field of environmental impact assessment consists of 65 articles and ten chapters that regulate the types of works or activities requiring an environmental impact assessment permit and the environmental impact assessment procedure: Creates Colombian environmental policy through the creation of the Ministry of the Environment, as a public body responsible for the management and conservation of the environment and renewable natural resources. At the same time, the formation of the National Environmental System – SINA is ordered, and other regulations related to the management and management of the environmental component in the country are issued. Article 1(10) provides for measures for the protection and restoration of the environment as a joint and coordinated task of the State, the Community, non-governmental organisations and the private sector. The task of the State is to support and promote the formation of non-governmental organizations for the protection of the environment and to give them specific functions of competence. Paragraph 12 of the above-mentioned article defines environmental management in accordance with the national Constitution, which is decentralized, democratic and participatory. The Secretariat publishes a weekly list of permit applications, avoidance reports and environmental impact studies received in the Ecological Gazette. It will also include this list in the available electronic media. It defines regional environmental planning for sustainable development as a management mechanism to guide in a coordinated manner the management, management and use of renewable natural resources, in order to contribute from the environment to the consolidation of development alternatives in the short, medium and long term, according to biophysical, economic characteristics and dynamics, social and cultural. Article 7 of Act No. 99 of 1993 defines the environmental order of the territory as “the function assigned to the State to regulate and guide the process of designing and planning the use of the territory and renewable natural resources of the nation in order to ensure its appropriate use and sustainable development”. ARTICLE 30.- In order to obtain the authorization referred to in Article 28 of this Law, interested parties must submit to the Secretariat an environmental impact statement, which must contain at least a description of the possible effects on the ecosystem or ecosystems that could be affected by the work or activity in question.

taking into account all the elements that make up these ecosystems and the preventive, mitigation and other measures necessary to avoid and minimize negative impacts on the environment. In the case of activities considered very risky within the meaning©of this Law, the event must include the corresponding risk study. If, following the submission of an environmental impact assessment, changes are© made to the design of the works or activities concerned, interested parties shall inform the secretariat accordingly so that©it may inform them within a maximum period of 10 days if the submission of additional information is necessary for the environmental impact assessment; that could result in such changes within the meaning©of the provisions of this Act. The content of the prevention report, as well as the characteristics and procedures of environmental impact studies and risk studies, shall be determined by the regulations of this Act. It creates the normative bases for the prevention and control of pollution of the environment and environmental goods (air, water and soil) by creating mechanisms for the improvement, preservation and restoration of renewable natural resources with the aim of protecting the health and well-being of all inhabitants of the national territory. ARTICLE 35.- Once the environmental impact statement has been submitted, the Secretariat will initiate the evaluation procedure in which it will verify that the request complies with the formalities provided for by this Law, its regulations and the applicable Mexican official standards, and will attach the corresponding file within a maximum period of ten days. For the approval of the works and activities referred to in Article 28, the Secretariat shall be subject to the provisions ± of the above-mentioned legal systems, as well as to urban development and environmental planning programmes for the territory, declarations of protected natural areas and other applicable laws. Similarly, for the purposes of the permit referred to in this Article, the Secretariat shall assess the potential impact of such works or activities on the ecosystem or ecosystems concerned, taking into account all components and not only the resources that may be used or affected. In accordance with Article 31(1) and (2), the autonomous bodies for regional and sustainable development shall exercise the function of the highest environmental authority under their jurisdiction, in accordance with the general standard and the criteria and guidelines established by the Ministry of the Environment; They are responsible for the implementation of national environmental policies, plans and programmes. ARTICLE 11. The Federation may, through the Secretariat, sign coordination agreements or agreements for the governments of the Federal District or the Länder, where appropriate with the participation of their municipalities, to assume the following competences within the framework of their territorial competences: III. The assessment of the environmental impact of the works or activities referred to in Article 28 of this Law and, where appropriate, the granting of the corresponding authorizations, with the exception of the following works or activities: Article 63 provides that, in order to safeguard the collective interest in a healthy environment, the exercise of environmental functions is subject to the principles of regional harmony; normative gradation and subsidiary rigour; Therefore, planning, implementation and control mechanisms must be harmonious, coherent and homogeneous, allowing for comprehensive monitoring and evaluation of national environmental policies within the framework of SINA.

(c) the information provided by developers on the environmental impact of the works or activities concerned is incorrect; The Secretariat may request the provision of assurance or guarantees of compliance with the conditions specified in the permit, in the cases expressly specified in the ± regulations of this Law, if serious damage to ± ecosystems may occur during the execution of the works. The secretariat`s decision shall relate only to the environmental aspects of the work and activities concerned. the modalities and information to be included in the environmental impact assessment. The time limit for the decision on the assessment of the environmental impact assessment shall not exceed sixty days. The regulation under this Act shall determine the works or activities referred to in this section which, by reason of their location, dimensions, characteristics or scale, do not cause or are not likely to cause ecological imbalances or exceed the limits and conditions set by legislation on the maintenance of ecological balance and the protection of the environment. and that they should therefore not be subject to the environmental risk assessment procedure provided for in this Regulation.